MC Update

Greetings Friends! I pray this email finds you having a restful Sunday. Isn't Tucson marvelous in November! The Sold no More event was a hit yesterday! I do not know the specific numbers on the amount that was raised. I do know that there were 400 people there. Which means there are 400 people out there in Tucson who are aware and spreading the word about sex trafficking, and…

Experiencing Intimacy With Jesus

When do you feel closest to Jesus? Is it reading his word? Or when you are writing in your journal; or when we are praying in the shower (c'mon we all have done it)? I feel closest to Jesus; and experience the greatest intimacy with him in my walks. It is the only time when I feel like I can clear my head from the clutter and confusion of…

9.8.2014 CBloom MC Update

Good morning Friends! "I spread my hands out to you; my soul thirsts for you in a parched land. Answer me quickly, O Lord; my spirit fails. Do not hide your face from me or I will be like those who go down to the pit. Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I…